Wednesday, February 21, 2007


so my mother was just here for a visit...i wish i could see my mom everyday. especially since i've had jackson, i'd love to be able to spend more time with her. we have such a good time that it's always a little sad when she leaves.
i am grateful though to be as close as i am to her. she is an amazing person and i can tell her anything...for real...anything. sometimes i want more for her than she gets in her daily life, but i know i can only do so much from where i sit. she deserves it though, thats for sure.
it's fun sharing this chapter in my life, as a mother, with my mother. she's in love with being jackson's "mimi," and i know in his heart he loves her the same...we know because he said so and i quote: "aaaalllllllllaaaaaaadadadadada!" it'll be a lot of fun as he grows and she'll get to do things with him like go to "build-a-bear" (totally where she wants to take him)!
in the mean time we'll keep up with our back-n-forth visits and look forward to the future:)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

sticker on the door

so i couldn't quite finish my workout today because jackson was fussy in the daycare room! i could hear him crying as i came down the stairs from the gym. as soon as i picked him up from the lady's arms he stopped & put his head on my was was a good mom moment for me.
as we were walking down the hall...his head still on my shoulder...the office door of an employee was open, and stuck on the inside of his door was this sticker..."may peace prevail on earth." it was then i thought, with jackson in my arms, this IS peace...if only the whole planet could feel it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

my snowy valentine

well it took longer to bundle him up than we actually were outside! none-the-less, it was adorable:)
john felt compelled to be outside shoveling because "all the other guys in the neighborhood are out shoveling!"
so he's hard at work "grunting" outside with all the other men! "grr..grr"
i am too warm all cuddled up on the couch with my laptop to go back out there! i had all the intentions of toughing it out to make it to the, not so much!
it's nice to finally see some "real winter weather" though! i was begining to become a little worried we'd never see a snow day!
it does make you think though, i mean doesn't it seem like snow was endless when we were kids? i have tons of snow day memories from my childhood. you know the ones...staying outside for hours, then finally coming inside when you officially lost all feeling in your toes & face. you walk in the door & mom yells at you to take off your boots & clothes because "you're going to get everything all wet!" layer by layer you are finally down to those thermals & socks. mom would put all our clothes on the space heater to dry while we had our grilled cheese sandwiches & chicken soup! our clothes weren't even completely dry by the time we thawed out for more play time!
i only hope jackson can have as many snowy memories as his mama:) hence bundling him for a five minute sleigh ride around the yard! totally worth it:)